

9 Important Points while start a business

 Are you an aspiring entrepreneur ready to make it big?
Are you ready to take the market by storm?
If yes, you have come to the right place!

A budding entrepreneur should keep the most important things in their mind at all times, and we are here to tell you what these are. Business is a risky, narrow path that tests your perseverance, trust, hard work, commitment and passion. At the end of that road, lies success. It is said that only 33% of the startups last more than 3 years and becomes a successful enterprise. The rest, get stuck or run away from the narrow path. Being in top 33% shows the world you have all t he qualities needed for a businessman, but we urge you to go even higher, dream about being in the top 1% and make changes in your personal and professional life accordingly. Here are some things that will help you in the long run.

Here are some Important points while start a business:

Strategy and financial planning

It is of utmost importance that you consult an expert and device a strategy. Before that, the financial feasibility must be thoroughly analyzed. Strategies help you create a favorable outcome with your limited means. A start up usually doesn’t have a lot of resources and that’s okay! What you need is a strategically devised plan on how to make use of your limited resources to stay afloat and on top.

Financial planning on the other hand focuses on the financial aspect of your business which again would be limited and helps you place the finances at the right place and at the right time. You don’t have to do it yourself, consult an expert and let them do it for you!

Strategizing and making plans for every possible outcome and not just your favored one will help you rise from setbacks and failures quicker.


When it comes to your customers- potential or existing, go the extra mile, it’s never crowded! If you are a startup, chances are your brand is not that popular. Your first challenge is to create brand awareness.

Don’t sell the product/service but sell the problem you solve! Think of unique ways to attract customers rather than just creating ads for newspapers and TV. Customers are smarter than you think, that makes it difficult for you to manipulate them but as long as your products/services are genuine and do what it's supposed to, you are in luck! To built a strong relationship with your customers, Promotionalwears will help you with its thousands of personalized products. Here are some ways you can attract customers:


We cannot stress enough how important giving gifts to your customers are. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extra vagant, it just has to be useful and thoughtful. Not the greatest gift picker? Not to worry! PromotionalWears offers you a wide range of customizable high-quality gifts for your customers. From t-shirts with your logo to a Bluetooth speaker, we know what every customer wants, and we are here to help.

Gifts show your customers how much you care and value them. Although, this is not a new or foreign concept, only a very few brands acknowledge the importance of treating customers like humans and not another set of data. It is statistically proven that customers who receive gifts often go back to the same brand later. Gifts like custom wall-clocks or t-shirts also acts as a free tool for marketing as more and more people will be familiar with your brand. A brand is not what you tell the customer it is- it is what customers tell each other it is.

A happy customer can help you get more customers.

Create an experience

When customers are buying from you, make sure they have a pleasant experience worth remembering and not just another commercial transaction. Giving them special offers based on their most purchased items or sending them hand written notes on their birthday, makes the customers feel like a part of your team. Promotionalwears offered them personalized promotional gifts/ products to make them feel special.

Go to them and find your audience

Customers usually go and shop from trusted brands. Being a startup, you may have no established that trust or goodwill yet. Not to worry, social events, local festivals or any other celebrations create a perfect setting for you to go to them and let them try out your products. Give them samples or give the GIFTS or hold contests or host an event. Make sure your brand name becomes familiar to your locality and targeted audience soon.

Market analysis

Market analysis include studying not just your target audience but the entire market. Once your company starts working, without wasting time, you have to find ways to penetrate the market deeper and find new markets and newer sets of target customers. Analyzing also include studying your competitors- global or local. Understanding their short comings, strategies and marketing techniques will not only help you perform better, but will ensure that you do not make the same mistakes.

Online presence

Use your network and create a good online presence. Make sure the people understand what you are all about as a grand and not just your products. Blogs, pages and community forums are some ways you can do it. Starting a page or blog is not enough; creating an interactive platform with quality content is what matters.

Hire character

While hiring employees for your brand, look for people that have similar mind sets and goals. If you hire a highly qualified person with no passion or vigor, chances are, you will not get anything out of him, but I you hire a skilled individual with the same vigor and passion that you have to succeed in life, you have made the right decision!

Skills can be polished and bettered with time. The right attitude on the other hand, is very hard to come by. Qualified candidates are abundant but qualified candidates with the right character are hard to find. Make sure you put in the energy, effort and tie for the same. To retain and motivate your employees give them personalized promotional gifts. Promotionalwears offered a variety of promotional products with personalized logos and names.

The value of a good employee

Once you have hired the right set of employees, never think our job is done. It takes effort from your side to make sure the employee gives their best and stays loyal to you and your brand. For that, treat them like a part of your team and not like pawns in your play.

Hear them out, understand their concern, take the feedbacks and create an environment filled with positivity and equality. Providing branded products with your company logo or start counselling sessions are some good ways you can make them feel like a part of the team.

Employees who feel respected and accepted always perform above expectations. Treat them like you would treat our customers and see it for yourself.

Quality is the best business plan; it will never fail you!

Contact PromotionalWears for more information on the perfect gift for your customers/employees:
Email: info@promotionalwears.com
Phone: 91-9136794313

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